Hari/Tanggal : Selasa/15 Maret 2022
Guru : Sarah Fonda, S.Pd, Gr.
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning Sholeh and Sholeha.. How are you? I hope you are always in a good condition and may this pandemic condition will be end so that we can do learning activities as usual. Aamiin allahumma aamiin.. Don't forget to take pray five times in a day.. Jangan lupa sholat 5 waktunya ya nak 😊 dan biar makin afdol Sholat Duha dan murojaah nya ya setiap pagi.. Well my dear students, this week you are going to do School Exam (Ujian Sekolah), and for English subject please open this following link and learn the materials (kisi-kisi).. Click the link : KISI-KISI US - ENGLISH Good luck for your Exam 💪 Sholeh Sholeha.. always keep your healthy, keep spirit, and don't forget to keep praying. (Baiklah anak sholeh sholeha, tetap selalu jaga kesehatan, tetap bersemangat, dan jangan lupa untuk selalu beribadah) See you.. Thank you.. Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb. |
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