Guru : Sarah Fonda, S.Pd.
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XII IPA 1
Materi : Kontrak Belajar dan Materi Semester Ganjil TP 2021/ 2022
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Good morning and how are you today excellent students? I hope you are all in good and wonderful condition wherever you are, aamiin. Well, let me welcome you to SMA Al Azhar 3 as part of this school, I hope you will develop your talents and achieve your dreams here.
Sebagaimana keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah, kita masih diharuskan belajar dari rumah mengingat kondisi yang belum memungkinkan untuk kita bertatap muka dan belajar di sekolah. Namun jangan patah semangat apalagi mengeluh akan kondisi kita sekarang ya nak, because everything is going to be better. Mudah-mudahan bumi semakin membaik, virus ini segera hilang dan kita segera bertemu, aamiin😇
Anakku, ilmu itu luas, tiada batas, jangan batasi kemampuan diri kalian. Modal utama dalam belajar adalah niat (kemauan) yang kuat, rajin, berdoa dan sami'na waato'na (kami mendengar dan kami taat) kepada orang tua dan guru.
Well, as the tittle, I will tell you our materials for this semester. Apa saja materi kita pada semester ganjil ini? Let's check it out
1. Expression of Offering Help
2. Application Letter
3. Caption Text
4. News Item Text
The English learning contract with Mam Sarah includes: (Adapun kontrak belajar dengan Mam Sarah)
1. Materi akan disampaikan baik dalam bentuk teks, audio ataupun video yang akan dibagikan atau dibahas lewat WA Grup, Blogger, Simaskot, Zoom ataupun aplikasi lainnya.
2. Siswa yang berhalangan mengikuti PJJ diharapkan mengonfirmasikan dengan Mam Sarah dengan alasan yang jelas
3. Penilaian akan diambil dari keaktifan saat KBM berlangsung, sikap dan penugasan yang diberikan
As presence today, write your name and your wish on comment column. Sebagai presensi/kehadiran/absen hari ini, silahkan tuliskan nama dan harapan kalian diawal Tahun Ajaran ini di kolom komentar(?) Mam Sarah ingin membaca satu persatu.
Thank you Sholeh Sholeha..
Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb.
Farhan Wira Muafa
BalasHapus12 IPA 1
Salwaa Fathimah Batubara
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
Heykel Febrio Santoso
BalasHapus12 IPA 1
Novaldo Fikas Harmaengga
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
Aditya Mulia Saputra
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Nadia Ika Sherly
BalasHapusXII ipa1
Resa gifia maulina
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
Ashila putri
BalasHapusXII ipa 1
Feni fadila
BalasHapusI hope I'm not lazy to study
Nice to know you ma'am. My name is Ghaitsa Camelia Agusti from 12 science 1. My wish for this semester is, I want to maintain my grade and study harder so I can achieve some of my goals list. And also I wish for everyone's health, hope we can meet sooner or later and the pandemic will end
BalasHapusM. Raffi Evendi
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
I wish covid-19 will lost forever, so we can meet again at school. and my grades are going up.
Cahya media kusuma
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
I hope be better than before
Nama : Alga Randy Pratama
BalasHapusKelas : 12 IPA 1
My wish for this semester is, I want to increase my focus on learning so that the knowledge provided is useful for me, then I want to complete the memorization target of tahfiz juz 29, and I want to prepare myself for college with a major that I am interested in.
Bimo Wira Pangestu
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
I wish everything will be alright and back to normal again. And also i wish i had a lot of money for some glorious purpose. That's all, thank you
Sepnando pratama
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
hopefully this year the covid 19 pandemic ends quickly, and we don't forget to take care of our health
Riska Jani Pasya
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
Rahma Anisa
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
I hope I will be more diligent to study
Indah Mutia Sari
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
I wish that I can study harder and that the COVID-19 pandemic will end quickly
Ula Azizah fadiyah
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
My hope is that the pandemic will pass quickly and I can meet friends
Dewi Nurhaliza
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
i wish this pandemic will end soon so i can go to school again
Nina Rendika Maharani
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
I wish i can go back to school
Tegar Praditha Erdiana
BalasHapusXI IPA 1
Vina Destiana R
BalasHapusXII IPA 1
Dimas Prabaswara
BalasHapus12 IPA 1
Andina putri
BalasHapusI wish I can back to school again