Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 21 Juli 2021
Guru : Sarah Fonda, S.Pd
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : XII IPA 3
KD : 3.1 dan 4.1
Materi : Expression of Offering Help
Melalui metode diskusi, peserta didik diharapkan mampu menyusun dan melakukan percakapan yang menggunakan expressions of offering help dengan baik dengan teman sejawatnya
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning Sholeh and Sholeha.. How do you do? I hope all of you are always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin.. Don't forget to take pray five times in a day.. Jangan lupa sholat 5 waktunya ya nak 😊 dan biar makin afdol Sholat Duha dan murojaah nya ya setiap pagi.. For learning Activities today, please you follow the following instructions: (Untuk kegiatan pembelajaran hari ini, silahkan kalian ikuti petunjuk di bawah ini) : 1. As your presence, write your name and class on the column of comment. (sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian tulis nama dan kelas di kolom komentar) 2. For this meet we study about "Expression of Offering Help". Please watch this video! Sholeh Sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about the material... Then, you read the dialogues below!
Dialog 1: Sari:
What are you doing, Wati? Wati: I’m doing my homework, but
I can’t Sari:
Would you like me to do something? Wati: Yes, sure. You can help me
do my homework. Sari:
Alright. Let’s do it together Wati: Thank you for your help. Sari:
You’re welcome
Dialog 2: Lina:
Fida, I’m going to give a surprise birthday party for my little brother next
week. Fida: Wow! That sounds great.
How old is your brother? Lina:
He’ll be 5 on April 13. Fida: Really? Would you like me
to do something for your brother party? Lina:
That’s sound great. You can help me make the cake birthday
After you read the two dialogues above, please identify the difference of the expressions of offering help! (setelah
kalian membaca kedua dialog di atas, identifikasilah perbedaan dari kedua ungkapan penawaran jasa/bantuan di atas)
3. For the evaluation (untuk evaluasinya), please do this task: Make one or two expression(s) of offering help! 4. For the interaction, we will do it on WAG. (Supaya pembelajaran kita interaktif, kita akan melaksanakan tanya jawab via WA Group). Please be active in the learning process.. Aktiflah dalam pembelajaran.. I will give score for your activeness.. Mam akan berikan nilai untuk keaktifan kalian.. Well, Sholeh Sholeha.. always keep your healthy, keep spirit..and don't forget to keep praying. (Baiklah anak sholeh sholeha, tetap selalu jaga kesehatan, tetap bersemangat, dan jangan lupa untuk selalu beribadah) See you next meet. Thank you.. Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb. |
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