Kamis, 22 April 2021


Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 22 April 2021

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 7A, 7B

KD : 3.4 dan 4.4




How to describe appearance

There are many ways to describe people, especially in physical appearance. Physical appearance consists of general appearance, eyes, ears, face, nose, arms, hair, height and build.

Mendeskripsikan penampilan orang 

Describing hair

Shoulder- length

Describing Face


Example about describing general appearance

Sharon is a high school student. She is young. She is short and slim. She has got short, brown hair and brown eyes.

William is handsome boy. He is young. He is tall and he is of medium weight. He has got short, black hair and black eyes.

Roger is an old man. He doesn’t work. He is retired. He is of medium height and he is plump. He has got short, brown and black eyes.

Claire is a fortune teller at a circus. She is young. She is tall and she is slim. She has got long, curly brown hair and blue eyes.

Carmen is a pretty woman. She is young. She is of medium height and she is slim. She has got long, wavy fair hair and green eyes.

Samuel is a lorry driver. She is short and he is plump. He has got short, wavy gray hair and big nose. He is middle aged man.

Helen is a young and beautiful girl. She is short and she is slim. She has got straight hair and green eyes. She is wearing a hat.

James is a musician in a rock group. He is tall and he is slim. He has got long, straight red hair. He is wearing glasses. He is old.

Suzie is an old woman. She is short and she is plump. She has got short, curly, gray hair . she is wearing necklace.

Adjective in describing personality and character

Good tempered
Hard – working
Bad – tempered

Describing famous people

1.               She’s a beautiful singer. She isn’t very tall and she has blonde hair. She was born in Colombia and currently she’s married with/to a footballer. SHAKIRA
            He’s a famous football player. He plays for Real Madrid. He’s from Portugal. He’s good-looking. He has short hair and he played for Manchester United. Who is he? CRISTIANO RONALDO
3.      He’s a black man. He has big ears and a big nose. He lives in America/the USA. He starred in a TV series. Who is he? WILL SMITH 4. He’s good-looking. His hair is blonde. His eyes are blue. He’s married with a beautiful actress. They have six children. Who is he? BRAD PITT
        He’s very ill and very old. He’s 95 years old. He’s a leader. He’s Obama’s friend. He was in prison for about 30 years. He’s very thin and friendly. Who is he? NELSON MANDELA
5.          He’s a musician from Ireland. He has dark hair and he wears big sunglasses. He sings in a famous rock band. He does long tours around the world. He is a very good singer. BONO (U2)
          She’s a beautiful actress. She lives in Georgia, in the USA. She is 45 years old. She’s very tall and thin. She has dark hair. She studies journalism. She has starred in Erin Brockovich and many other films. JULIA ROBERTS
              He’s about 70 years old. He is a singer. He lives in Miami. He has a young wife. He earns a lot of money. He sings in concerts sometimes. He played football in Spain before singing. JULIO IGLESIAS
         He’s a famous footballer. He’s tall and good-looking. He’s the best footballer in the world in his position. He was born in Sevilla and he lives in Madrid. He plays football in Real Madrid and the Spanish national team. They imitate him in Crackovia. SERGIO RAMOS
              He’s a middle-aged man and he’s not very tall. He’s a famous politician in Spain. He’s Spanish but he has money in Switzerland. Currently he lives in prison. LUIS BÁRCENAS


Describe your lovely mother !


Send your task to my email: sarahfondacabby@gmail.com

For making an interactive learning, we will do it in WhatsApp Group. Supaya pembelajaran kita interaktif, kita akan melaksanakan tanya jawab via WA Group. 

Please be active in the learning process.. Aktiflah dalam pembelajaran.. I will give score for your activeness.. Mam akan berikan nilai untuk keaktifan kalian..

Well, Sholeh Sholeha.. always keep your healthy, keep spirit..and don't forget to keep praying.

(Baiklah anak sholeh sholeha, tetap selalu jaga kesehatan, tetap bersemangat, dan jangan lupa untuk selalu beribadah)

See you next meet.

Thank you Sholeh sholeha..

Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb.

Kamis, 15 April 2021

DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (Describing Things)

Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 15 April 2021

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : 7A, 7B

KD : 3.4 dan 4.4

Materi : Descriptive Text ( Describing Things)



Setelah melakukan pengamatan dan literasi dari berbagai sumber, peserta didik mampu membuat teks deskripsi lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang alat musik yang dimainkan secara benar.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning Sholeh and Sholeha.. How are you? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin..
Don't forget to take pray five times in a day.. Jangan lupa sholat 5 waktunya ya nak 😊 dan biar makin afdol Sholat Duha dan murojaah nya ya setiap pagi..

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material or task given in this blog.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar atau tugas yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep struggling Sholeh Sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this material...

Well, for this meet we still discuss KD 3.4 & 4.4.
You will learn about Descriptive Text.


1. Definisi dan fungsi Descriptive text.

Descriptive text adalah suatu jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan orang, binatang, tempat ataupun suatu benda. Umumnya, yang dideskripsikan adalah bentuk, ciri, ataupun sifatnya.

2. Struktur teks (generic structure).
Adapun struktur dari descriptive text adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Identification: pengenalan objek atau hal yang akan dideskripsikan.
  • Description: penginformasian ciri-ciri objek, misalnya sifat-sifat psikologis perilaku, tampilan fisik, dan yang lainnya secara spesifik.

3. Unsur kebahasaan.
Descriptive text biasanya menggunakan unsur kebahasaan sebagai berikut:
  • Noun: kata benda yang spesifik, misalnya my best friend, my dog, Borobudur Temple, dan lain – lain. Selain itu, terkadang juga menggunakan kata benda yang mendapat pemberian kata sifat, misalnya an intelligent student dan a big garden.
  • Simple present tense: menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama (verb1) dan juga kata kerja yang dapat menggambarkan keadaan objek atau mengisyaratkan kepemilikan, misalnya my house has 2 living rooms, Sinta is beautiful, dan lain – lain.
  • Adjective: kata sifat digunakan untuk menjelaskan objek. 
  • Figurative language: menggunakan bahasa figuratif seperti simile atau metafora sebagai cara untuk memberikan ilustrasi perbandingan, misalnya:

Nah, bagaimana cara membuat sebuah descriptive text tentang benda dalam bahasa Inggris? Pertama-tama tentukan benda apa yang akan menjadi objek. Perhatikan ciri-cirinya, bisa dari bentuknya, warnanya, fungsinya, dan lain-lain. Kemudian buatlah deskripsinya.




Describe the musical instrument you play for Seni Budaya Task! 

(Deskripsikan alat musik yang kamu mainkan dalam tugas Seni Budaya!)\

Dalam bentuk video (kolaborasi mata pelajaran Seni Budaya, Bahasa Inggris, PPKn). 
Batas pengumpulan video kolaborasi pada pertemuan minggu depan

For making an interactive learning, we will do it in WhatsApp Group. Supaya pembelajaran kita interaktif, kita akan melaksanakan tanya jawab via WA Group. 

Please be active in the learning process.. Aktiflah dalam pembelajaran.. I will give score for your activeness.. Mam akan berikan nilai untuk keaktifan kalian..

Well, Sholeh Sholeha.. always keep your healthy, keep spirit..and don't forget to keep praying.

(Baiklah anak sholeh sholeha, tetap selalu jaga kesehatan, tetap bersemangat, dan jangan lupa untuk selalu beribadah)

See you next meet.

Thank you Sholeh sholeha..

Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb.

Kamis, 01 April 2021


Hari/Tanggal : Kamis/01 April 2021

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Nama Guru: Sarah Fonda, S.Pd.

Kelas : 7A, 7B

KD : 3.7 dan 4.7


Peserta didik mampu membuat daftar nama hewan atau benda di tempat wisata yang dikunjungi secara benar

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning Sholeh and Sholeha.. How are you? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin..
Don't forget to take pray five times in a day.. Jangan lupa sholat 5 waktunya ya nak 😊 dan biar makin afdol Sholat Duha dan murojaah nya ya setiap pagi..

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material or task given in this blog.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar atau tugas yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep struggling Sholeh Sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this material...

Well, for this meet we still discuss KD 3.7 & 4.7.
 You will learn about Descriptive Text.


1. Definisi dan fungsi Descriptive text.

Descriptive text adalah suatu jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan orang, binatang, tempat ataupun suatu benda. Umumnya, yang dideskripsikan adalah bentuk, ciri, ataupun sifatnya.

2. Struktur teks (generic structure).
Adapun struktur dari descriptive text adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Identification: pengenalan objek atau hal yang akan dideskripsikan.
  • Description: penginformasian ciri-ciri objek, misalnya sifat-sifat psikologis perilaku, tampilan fisik, dan yang lainnya secara spesifik.

3. Unsur kebahasaan.
Descriptive text biasanya menggunakan unsur kebahasaan sebagai berikut:
  • Noun: kata benda yang spesifik, misalnya my best friend, my dog, Borobudur Temple, dan lain – lain. Selain itu, terkadang juga menggunakan kata benda yang mendapat pemberian kata sifat, misalnya an intelligent student dan a big garden.
  • Simple present tense: menggunakan kata kerja bentuk pertama (verb1) dan juga kata kerja yang dapat menggambarkan keadaan objek atau mengisyaratkan kepemilikan, misalnya my house has 2 living rooms, Sinta is beautiful, dan lain – lain.
  • Adjective: kata sifat digunakan untuk menjelaskan objek. 
  • Figurative language: menggunakan bahasa figuratif seperti simile atau metafora sebagai cara untuk memberikan ilustrasi perbandingan, misalnya:

         My throat is as dry as a dessert (tenggorokanku sekering gurun).
         Her skin is as white as cloud and smooth as water (kulitnya seputih awan dan
         selembut air).

Nah, bagaimana cara membuat sebuah descriptive text tentang hewan dalam bahasa Inggris? Pertama-tama tentukan binatang apa yang akan menjadi objek, apakah mendeskripsikan hewan peliharaan atau buas/liar yang hidupnya di hutan atau kebun binatang.

Kemudian selanjutnya apa? Nah, berikut langkah-langkah mudah serta simpel berikut dapat membantumu membuat sebuah contoh descriptive text tentang hewan.

  1. Pilih hewan yang pernah kamu lihat atau kamu bisa cari gambarnya di internet
  2. Perhatikan anggota tubuhnya (ekor, kaki, badan, kepala, serta bagian kepala)
  3. Cari bagian tubuh spesial beserta kegunaannya (misalnya belalai pada gajah atau leher panjang pada jerapah)
  4. Warna bulu atau warna tubuhnya
  5. Tempat hidup serta makanannya
  6. Bandingkan ia dengan yang lain. Jika itu hewan peliharaan milikmu, ceritakan apa yang membuatnya spesial untukmu.
  7. Mulailah menyusun sebuah contoh descriptive text tentang hewan

4. Example of Decribing animals


Elephants are the largest land animal in the world. They are from Asia and Africa. They are herbivores.
They eat grass, leaves, branches and fruit. An elephant has a big body with four legs. It has large but thin ears and small eyes. It also has one long nose called trunk. It uses the trunk to lift the food. Its skin is grey and hairless. It has a short tail. Their habitat is usually in the forest or in the zoo. The elephants are strong animals. They can carry heavy loads.


I have a pet rabbit. My rabbit’s name is Bosi.

She is 3 years old. She is a small mammal with a short tail but long ears. She has four legs. Like other rabbits, she hops using her legs. Her hind legs are very powerful to hop. My rabbit has soft brown fur. I love cuddling her. Everyday she eats carrot and enjoys fresh vegetables too. She grows fatter and stronger now. My sister and I love playing with her.


Let's Watch the videos :


Make a list about names of animals or things in a tourism object you have visited. (Buatlah daftar nama hewan dan benda di sebuah tempat wisata yang pernah kamu kunjungi).

For making an interactive learning, we will do it in WhatsApp Group. Supaya pembelajaran kita interaktif, kita akan melaksanakan tanya jawab via WA Group. 

Please be active in the learning process.. Aktiflah dalam pembelajaran.. I will give score for your activeness.. Mam akan berikan nilai untuk keaktifan kalian..

Well, Sholeh Sholeha.. always keep your healthy, keep spirit..and don't forget to keep praying.

(Baiklah anak sholeh sholeha, tetap selalu jaga kesehatan, tetap bersemangat, dan jangan lupa untuk selalu beribadah)

See you next meet.

Thank you Sholeh sholeha..

Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb.

Caption Text - XI3 dan XI4

       *NAMA GURU                : SARAH FONDA, S.Pd., Gr. *MATA PELAJARAN      : BAHASA INGGRIS               *KELAS                       ...