Kamis, 24 Oktober 2019


Materi Ajar 01 - 03, 24 Oktober 2019, Selasa-Kamis, Kamis

Kelas : VII A, C, D, E, F

Tema/Subtema/Pembelajaran: Cardinal Numbers
Alat Peraga : Video

Assalamualaikum, Wr.Wb.

Hello everybody.. Now we are going to learn about number. In English, number is divided into two types:

  1. Cardinal Numbers
  2. Ordinal Numbers

For this meet, we are going to learn about cardinal numbers.
What is cardinal number? A cardinal number is a number that gives information about how many of something, there are, such as one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Look at the following examples:

Arum:  I have ten balloons for my sister's birthday.
Bima:  That's wonderful. What colors are they?
Arum:  I have two green balloons, one orange, two red, two yellow, and only one purple balloon.
Bima:  That's good. I hope your sister likes it.

The use of Cardinal Number in sentence:
  1.     Jack has 2 (two) bags. (Jack mempunyai dua buah tas.)
  2.     Did you get 1 (one) assignment or 2 (two) assignments from Mr. Rudolph? (Apakah kamu dapat        satu tugas atau dua tugas dari Mr. Rudolph?)
  3.     They collected 7 (seven) points in this game. (Mereka mengumpulkan tujuh poin dalam permainan      ini.)
  4.     Mr. Smith is a rich man because he has 5 (five) houses in different places and 10 (ten) luxury cars.     (Mr. Smith itu orang kaya karena dia mempunyai lima rumah ditempat yang berbeda dan sepuluh          mobil mewah.)
  5.     My aunt gave 2 (two) packs of candy for me yesterday. (Bibiku memberi dua bungkus permen            padaku kemarin.)
The following items are the list of cardinal numbers from 1 - 100, read carefully and ask your teacher how to pronounce them correctly.

Watch this video:

Well, that's the material today.
Thank You.

Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb.

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       *NAMA GURU                : SARAH FONDA, S.Pd., Gr. *MATA PELAJARAN      : BAHASA INGGRIS               *KELAS                       ...