Kamis, 24 September 2020


Kamis/24 September 2020
Kelas 7A, 7B
KD 3.3 dan 4.3
Materi Pokok: What Time is It?
Sub Materi: Daily Activity

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning anak-anak sholeh sholeha.. How do you do? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin..

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material or task given in this blog.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar atau tugas yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep struggling sholeh sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this teaching material...

Today you will learn about Daily Activity. In this meet, firstly you will read and understand the material given by the teacher. Secondly, you will watch video.

Let's start to study now!


Kegiatan atau rutinitas yang biasa kita lakukan setiap harinya, khususnya sebagai pelajar, mulai dari bangun tidur sampai kembali tidur malam, contohnya seperti di bawah ini:

  • I get up / I wake up (Saya bangun tidur)
  • I take a bath / I take a shower (Saya mandi)
  • I get dressed (Saya berpakaian)
  • I have breakfast (Saya sarapan)
  • I go to school (Saya pergi ke sekolah)
  • I watch TV (Saya menonton TV)
  • I read a novel (Saya membaca novel)
  • I go to bed / I go to sleep (Saya tidur)
Biasanya kalimat di atas diikuti keterangan waktu/jam, atau bisa didampingi oleh keterangan waktu seperti di bawah ini:
  • Always = selalu
  • Usually = biasanya
  • Often = seringkali
  • Sometimes = kadang-kadang
  • Seldom = jarang
  • Never = tidak pernah 

Look at this video!

Note: No task, just learn the material, and you have to give your comment in this blog. (Tidak ada tugas, pelajari materi tersebut, dan silahkan beri komentar di blog ini!)

Demikianlah materi atau bahasan kita pada pertemuan kali ini.

Semoga bermanfaat
Semangat ya sholeh sholeha 😄

Jumat, 18 September 2020

Telling the Time

Jumat/18 September 2020
Kelas 7B, 7A
KD 3.3 dan 4.3
Pertemuan 1
Materi Pokok: What Time is It?
Sub Materi: Telling the Time

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning anak-anak sholeh sholeha.. How do you do? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin..

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material or task given in this blog.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar atau tugas yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep struggling sholeh sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this teaching material...

For the first meet in this semester you will learn about Telling the Time. In this meet, firstly you will read and understand the material given by the teacher. Secondly, you will watch two videos of Telling the Time. 

Let's start to study now! 


What time is it?

Do you have a watch?

When someone asks you with the questions above, It means they want to know about the time. So, could you tell them the times? There are two common ways of telling the time. Learn the following  explanation.

1. Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes)

    6:25 = It's six twenty-five

    8:05 = It's eight O-five (the O is said like the letter O)

    9:11 = It's nine eleven

    2:34 = It's two thirty-four

2. Say the minutes first and then the hour. (Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour)

    For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes.

    For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes.

    2:35 = It's twenty-five to three

    11:20 = It's twenty past eleven

    4:18 = It's eighteen past four

    8:51 = It's nine to nine

3. When it is 15 minutes past the hour we normally say: (a) quarter past

    7:15 = It's (a) quarter past seven

    When it is 15 minutes before the hour we normally say: a quarter to

    12:45 = It's (a) quarter to one

4. When it is 30 minutes past the hour we normally say: half past

    3:30 = It's half past three (but we can also say three-thirty)

5. O'clock

    We use o'clock when there are NO minutes.

    10:00 = It's ten o'clock

    5.00 = It's five o'clock

    1:00 = It's one o'clock

    Sometimes it is written as 9 o'clock (the number + o'clock

6. For 12:00 there are four expressions in English.

    twelve o'clock

    midday = noun


Let's watch these videos:👀

Well, that's the material for this week.

Have a nice day 😉

Rabu, 16 September 2020

Post Test September

Rabu/16 SEPTEMBER 2020
Kelas 7B
KD 3.2 
Materi Pokok: This is Me!

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning anak-anak sholeh sholeha.. How do you do? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin..

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the test.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait test yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep struggling sholeh sholeha.. I am sure you can do the test well.

Open the link below! 


Jumat, 11 September 2020


Jumat/11 September 2020
Kelas 7B, 7A

KD 3.2 dan 4.2 (16JP)
Pertemuan 8
Materi Pokok: Introduce Yourself and Others
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
  • Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi struktur teks ungkapan perkenalan diri dan orang lain.
  • Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial ungkapan perkenalan diri dan orang lain.
  • Peserta didik mampu menentukan pronoun yang tepat dan benar.


Ungkapan di bawah ini dapat digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri dan orang lain:

1. Introducing Yourself
  • My name is ...
  • I'm ...
  • Nice to meet you;
          My name is ...
  • Pleased to meet you;
  • I'm ..
  • Let me introduce myself; I'm ...
  • I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ...     
Hello, my name is Richard
Hey! I am Richard.
Hello. My name is Richard Walker.
Hi! They call me Richard.

2.  Introducing Others

Apa yang biasanya kalian lakukan apabila bertemu dengan orang yang belum pernah kalian temui selama ini? Apa yang akan kamu lakukan apa bila didalam sebuah ruangan terdapat orang lain?

Tentulah sebagai makluk social kita tidak pernah lepas dari sebuah kebutuhan terhadap manusia yang lainnya karena segala sesuatu pasti membutuhkan peran orang dalam prosesnya. Manusia lainnya contoh kecilnya seperti kakak, ibu, ayah, adik, tetangga dan lain sebagainya. Dalam berkomikasi dengan mereka kalian sudahlah sangat sering, membahas berbagai hal yang sudah dilalui bersama atau dengan sebuah bahasan ynag sedang mendapatkan sorotan.

Bagaimana dengan memperkenalkan seseorang dengan orang lain untuk pertama kalinya?

Jelas kita akan meminta waktu untuk memperkenalkan diri seseorang kepada orang lain (belum dikenal). Berikut ini ada beberapa ungkapan yang sering kita gunakan dalam bahasa inggris, antara lain:

  1. First of all I would like to introduce you to …… (Pertama-tama perkenankanlah saya memperkenalkan kamu kepada…)
  2. Allow me to introduce … (Ijinkanlah saya memperkenalkan …)
  3. Excuse me, her name is … (Permisi nama dia/perempuan adalah …)
  4. Hello, his name is … (Hello nama dia/laki-laki adalah …)
Contoh kalimat singkatnya dibawah ini:

Cintya : Didie, this is my good friend and colleague, Reza.

Didie: I am pleased to meet you.
Reza: Pleased to meet you too. Are you and Cyntia know each other long?
Didie: We are friends from college.
Reza: Oh yeah? Are you from Lampung too?
Didie: No. I am a native Jakartan.
Reza: Well, it seems like both of us native Jakartan. Where do you live?
Didie: In Menteng.
Reza: We are neighbors, then.
Cyntia: Yeah, both of you could do your morning walk together.
Reza and Didie: Why not?

Contoh lain:
  • Irawan, please meet Danti.
  • Danti, have you met Irawan?
  • I'd like you to meet Irawan
  • I'd like to introduce you to Irawan
  • Danti, this is Irawan. Irawan this is Danti.   

3.  The Expressions to Respond an Introduction
  • Nice to meet you.
  • Pleased to meet you.
  • Happy to meet you.
  • How do you do?
  • Nice to know you

Watch this video:


Make a note about the script of the dialogue in the video above! Write it in a good arrangement!
(Catatlah/tulislah percakapan yang ada di video tersebut dengan tersusun rapi)

  • I'll wait for the task until 17.00 p.m (tugas dikumpul sampai batas pkl. 7 malam ini) 
  • Give comment to this material as your presence (berikan komentar terhadap materi tersebut sebagai absen kehadiran kalian)
  • Send your work to my EMAIL: sarahfondacabby@gmail.com

Thank you Sholeh Sholeha for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

Rabu, 09 September 2020


Rabu/09 September 2020
Kelas 7B

KD 3.2 dan 4.2 (16JP)
Materi Pokok: Introduction
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
  • Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi struktur teks ungkapan perkenalan diri dan orang lain.
  • Peserta didik mampu mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial ungkapan perkenalan diri dan orang lain.
  • Peserta didik mampu menentukan pronoun yang tepat dan benar.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning anak-anak sholeh sholeha.. How are you today? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin...

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep spirit sholeh sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this teaching material...

For this meet you will learn about "Introduction". In this meet, firstly you will read and understand the material. Secondly, you will watch the video.


14,145 Introduction Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  Dreamstime

In this occasion we will learn about "Self-Introduction".
When you meet new people for the first time in your class, or when you want to start a presentation in front of the audience, you need to introduce yourself so that they know about who you are.

There are various ways to introduce yourself to the other people when you meet them for the first time. The following expressions can be used to introduce yourself and introduce others.
  1. Introducing Self
  • My name is ...
  • I'm ...
  • Nice to meet you;
          My name is ...
  • Pleased to meet you;
  • I'm ..
  • Let me introduce myself; I'm ...
  • I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ...     
2.  Introducing Others
  • Irawan, please meet Danti.
  • Danti, have you met Irawan?
  • I'd like you to meet Irawan
  • I'd like to introduce you to Irawan
  • Danti, this is Irawan. Irawan this is Danti.   
3.  The Expressions to Respond an Introduction
  • Nice to meet you.
  • Pleased to meet you.
  • Happy to meet you.
  • How do you do?
  • Nice to know you

Introducing Yourself

Hello, my name is Richard
Hey! I am Richard.
Hello. My name is Richard Walker.
Hi! They call me Richard.

Giving More Information

Age     I am 26 years old.
            I am 26.
Work   I am a copywriter.
            I work in an ad agency.
            I work in Trigana Publishing.
            I work as an architect.
Place   I am from Maluku
            I come from Lampung
            I live in Bandar Lampung.

What You Like to Do

I like reading books.
I like reading books and swimming.
I am a good cook.
I am good at playing chess.
I like to shop when I'm free.

Read the following possessive pronoun and try to understand the use of them based on their subject pronoun.

Subject Pronoun           Possessive Pronoun          Examples
I                            ↔    Mine                          ↔   These apples are mine.
                                     My                                    I love my parents.
We                        ↔    Ours                           ↔   The cats are ours.
                                     Our                                    We like our food.
You                       ↔    Yours                         ↔   This pencil must be yours.
                                     Your                                  You paint your wall.
They                     ↔    Theirs                        ↔   The book is theirs.
                                     Their                                 They write their agreement.      
He                         ↔    His                            ↔   That parked car is his.
                                      His                                   He drives his new car.
She                       ↔     Hers                          ↔   That broken bag must be hers.
                                      Her                                   She wears her dress.
It                           ↔    Its                              ↔   This screw is its.
                                     Its                                      The tree falls its leaves.

Now, watch these following videos:

Note: Give your comment relates to this material in this blog.

Well, sholeh sholeha.. thank you for you attention..
Good Bye..

Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb.

Selasa, 08 September 2020

Introduce Members of Family

Selasa/08 September 2020
Kelas 7A

KD 3.2 dan 4.2 (16JP)
Pertemuan 6
Materi Pokok: Introduce Members of Family

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning anak-anak sholeh sholeha.. How are you today? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin...

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep spirit sholeh sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this teaching material...

For this meet you will learn about "Introduce Members of Family". In this meet, firstly you will read and understand the material. Secondly, you will watch the video.

Pelajari Materi di bawah ini!

Introduce Members of Family

Talking about your family is one of the most important and useful things you can do when learning a language, especially when living in that country. I’ve only been in Indonesia a few weeks, and I’ve already gone through the introduction of my family quite a few times. People are curious to learn about where you come from and your family life back home, and talking about families is a great way to break the ice and make new friends. To help you do so, here’s a little description of my family in Indonesian, followed by an English translation and vocabulary:

My family is big. My family has nine people – me, dad, mom, and six siblings. I’m the oldest child. I’m 30 years old. I have four younger brothers and two younger sisters. We also have three dogs.


Keluarga saya besar. Keluarga saya ada sembilan orang – saya, bapak, ibu, dan enam saudara. Saya anak yang paling tua. Umur saya tiga puluh tahun. Saya punya empat adik laki-laki dan dua adik perempuan. Kami juga ada tiga ekor anjing.

My Parents
My dad works as a doctor. His name’s Victor. He’s Russian, but he’s lived in America for 30 years. My mom is a nurse. Her name is Erin. They work in the hospital.

Orangtua Saya

Bapak saya bekerja sebegai dokter. Namanya Victor. Dia orang Rusia, tapi dia tinggal di Amerika tiga puluh tahun. Ibu saya bekerja sebegai perawat. Namanya Erin. Mereka bekerja di rumah sakit.

My Siblings
I have four younger brothers. Their names are Paul, Peter, Nick, and Michael. Paul and Nick are college students in America. Peter works as an English teacher in China. Michael is the youngest child. He’s 15 years old. He’s a high school student.
I also have two younger sisters. Their names are Maureen and Katie. Maureen works in a restaurant. Katie is a college student at Michigan State University.
I miss my family, because I’m in Bali and they’re in America and China. I hope they will come to Bali to see me!

Saudara Saya

Saya punya empat adik laki-laki. Namanya Paul, Peter, Nick, dan Michael. Paul dan Nick mahasiswa di Amerika. Peter bekerja sebagai guru Bahasa Inggris di Cina. Michael anak yang paling kecil. Umur dia lima belas tahun. Dia siswa di SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas).

Saya juga punya dua adik perempuan. Namanya Maureen dan Katie. Maureen bekerja di rumah makan. Katie mahasiswa di universitas negara bagian Michigan.

Saya rindu keluarga saya, karena saya di Bali dan mereka di Amerika dan Cina. Saya harap mereka datang ke Bali untuk melihat saya!

My Wife
I’m already married. My wife is also American. Her name is Rachel. She’s an English teacher in China. Next week she will come to Bali. I’m very happy! My wife is friendly and beautiful. We don’t have children yet.

Istri Saya

Saya sudah menikah. Istri saya juga orang Amerika. Namanya Rachel. Dia bekerja sebegai guru Bahasa Inggris di Cina. Minggu depan dia datang ke Bali. Saya senang sekali! Istri saya ramah dan cantik. Kami belum ada anak.


  • keluarga – family

  • bapak – dad

  • ibu – mom

  • saudara – siblings

  • adik – younger

  • laki-laki – boy

  • perempuan – girl

  • adik laki-laki – younger brother

  • adik perempuan – younger sister

  • orangtua – parents

  • paling tua – oldest

  • anak – child

  • paling kecil – youngest

  • SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas) – high school

  • dokter – doctor

  • perawat – nurse

  • rumah sakit – hospital

  • mahasiswa – college student

  • siswa – student/pupil

  • guru – teacher

  • rumah makan – restaurant

  • rindu – to miss

  • istri – wife

  • senang – happy

  • ramah – friendly

  • cantik – beautiful

Note: Give your comment relates to this material in this blog.

Well, sholeh sholeha.. thank you for you attention..
Good Bye..

Wassalamualaikum, Wr.Wb.

Jumat, 04 September 2020


Jumat/4 September 2020
Kelas 7B, 7A

KD 3.2 dan 4.2 (16JP)
Pertemuan 5
Materi Pokok: Hobby

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning anak-anak sholeh sholeha.. How are you today? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin...

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep spirit sholeh sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this teaching material...

For this meet you will learn about "Hobby". In this meet, firstly you will read and understand the material. Secondly, you will watch the video.

Pelajari Materi di bawah ini!

Setiap orang di dunia ini pasti punya hobby, ada yang suka membaca, menulis, berenang, bahkan menonton film. Karena pasti ada hal yang manusia sukai di dunia ini dan ingin terus untuk mengajarkan. Kami ingin bertanya, apakah ada di antara kalian yang mempunyai hobi belajar bahasa inggris? hmm pasti kalian sudah jagoan dong bahasa inggrisnya hehehe. mari kita langsung saja simak vocabulary hobby berikut ini.
1.            reading = membaca
2.            writing = membaca
3.            swimming = berenang
4.            singing = bernyanyi
5.            dancing = menari
6.            playing football = bermain bola
7.            cycling = main sepeda
8.            skateboarding = bermain skateboard
9.            gardening = berkebun
10.         sewing = menjahit
11.         photography = fotografi
12.         cooking = memasak
13.         fishing = memancing
14.         painting = melukis
15.         hiking = naik gunung
16.         crafting = membuat sesuatu
17.         playing music = bermain musik
18.       philately = mengumpulkan prangko
19.         playing basket = bermain basket
20.         playing tennis = bermain tenis
Contoh kalimat menggunakan Hobby
·                  What is your hobby?
My hobby is reading.
·                 What is your brother's hobby?
My brother's hobby is playing football.
·                 What is your sister's hobby?
My sister's hobby is dancing.
·                 What is your mother's hobby?
My mother's hobby is gardening.
·                  What is your father's hobby?
My father's hobby is fishing.
Watch this video!

Do this task!
 Guess what hobby it is!
She need racket, shuttle cocks, and net. What kind of hobby is it? It is ...
I like many kinds of Indonesian dances. My hobby is...
On Sunday morning, I usually do this hobby with my uncle. We go to a river  to get fish with our  fishhook. We like ...
There are eleven players in each team. The goal keeper, defenders, midfielders, and strikers. They like playing ...
Sasya has many collection of books, magazines and novels. She likes ...
Reza’s hobby is .....
He posts some articles in a week in his personal blog.
We  use our bycicles to do this hobby. What is it? It is ...
Adzra’s hobby is ...
He likes going up mountains
The man likes  ...
He shoots birds, deer, etc. in the forest.
Nissa Sabyan and Anisa Rahman are the vocalists of Sabyan. They are fond of……
I go to Marcopolo Pool once a week. I like ...
Ananda can write very well. He has written many books. His hobby is ...
To do this hobby, we need six players to play, a net, and a ball. Can you guess what kind of hobby it is? It is ...
..... is my father’s activity and hobby. He drives a taxi.
We need tents, rope, nails, stick, woods, bamboos, etc. We go to some beautiful sites to do this and stay for days. What is it? It is ....

Send your work to my email: sarahfondacabby@gmail.com (No Via WA)

I'll wait for your task until tomorrow morning.
(Tugas paling lambat ditunggu sampai besok pagi)

Thank you Sholeh Sholeha..
Wassalamualaikum, Wr. Wb.

Caption Text - XI3 dan XI4

       *NAMA GURU                : SARAH FONDA, S.Pd., Gr. *MATA PELAJARAN      : BAHASA INGGRIS               *KELAS                       ...