Rabu, 29 Juli 2020


Rabu/ 29 Juli 2020
Kelas 7B

KD 3.1 dan 4.1 (12JP)
Pertemuan 3
Materi Pokok: Good Morning, How are you?
Sub Materi: Leave Taking (Say Good Bye) 
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
v  Peserta didik dapat mengucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan pamitan dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang tepat.
v  Peserta didik dapat menggunakan ungkapan pamitan yang benar dengan cara yang santun.
v  Peserta didik dapat merespon ungkapan pamitan tersebut dengan benar.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning anak-anak sholeh sholeha.. How do you do? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin..

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material or task given in this blog.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar atau tugas yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep struggling sholeh sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this teaching material...

For this meet you will learn about Leave Taking / Say Good Bye (Ungkapan Berpamitan). In this meet, firstly you will read and practice the dialogues given. Secondly, you will watch two videos.

Let's start to study now!


When we meet our friends on the way, we need to greet them. We also use greeting to start a conversation. Then, what will you say to end a conversation with your friends? 

Now, we will learn on how to use expressions in leave taking, the act of departing politely.

Example of Leave Taking Expressions and Its Responses:

Leave Taking Expression:                      Responses:
  • Sorry, I have to go now,              ---> Of course, see you.
  • I'll talk to you later,                   ---> Sure, see you later.
  • It's been nice talking to you,      ---> So long.
  • Good bye,                                 ---> Good bye.
  • Bye-bye / Bye,                          ---> Bye.
  • See you tomorrow,                    ---> See you.
  • Good night,                               ---> Good night/So long.
  • See you again,                           ---> See you again.
  • See you later,                            ---> See you later.
  • See you next time,                    ---> See you too.

Take a look at the following dialogues:

(Betty meets his English tutor, Mrs.Riswanti).

Betty                    :  Good afternoon, Mam.
Mrs. Riswanti      :  Good afternoon. You are......
Betty                  :  My name is Betty. How are you?
Mrs. Riswanti       :  I am fine, thank you. And how about                                         you?
Betty                  :  I am fine, too.
Mrs. Riswanti      :  Well, I have to go now. Pleased to                                           meet you.
Betty                  :  Of course, see you.  Pleased to meet                                   you, too, Mam.

Now, please watch the following videos:

Video 1  

Video 2

Do this task:

  • Identify expressions of leave taking from the two videos include the response. Then report the result of your identification in a form of mind mapping. Present your mind mapping using an audio recording!  (Identifikasi/carilah ungkapan-ungkapan pamitan yang ada dalam dua video di atas. Laporkan hasil identifikasinya dalam bentuk "mind mapping". Presentasikan "mind mapping" mu menggunakan rekaman suara/audio!

  • Then send the record to my EMAIL: sarahfondacabby@gmail.com (Kirimkan rekaman audionya ke EMAIL: sarahfondacabby@gmail.com

Example of Mind Mapping:
(Contoh "Mind Mapping"):

  • I'll wait for the task until tomorrow at 12.30 p.m (tugas dikumpul sampai batas besok  pkl. 12.30 siang)
  • Give comment to this material as your presence (berikan komentar terhadap materi tersebut sebagai absen kehadiran kalian)

Well, sholeh sholeha.. that's all about the discussion for this meet.. See you next meet.
Thank you very much..


Jumat, 24 Juli 2020


JUMAT/24 Juli 2020
Kelas 7B
KD 3.1 dan 4.1 (12JP)
Pertemuan I
Materi Pokok: Good Morning, How are you?
Sub Materi: to greet

Tujuan Pembelajaran: Menentukan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan menyapa serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning anak-anak sholeh sholeha.. How do you do? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin..

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material or task given in this blog.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar atau tugas yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep struggling sholeh sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this teaching material...

For the first meet in this semester you will learn about Greeting (Ungkapan Sapaan). In this meet, firstly you will read and practice the dialogues given. Secondly, you will watch two videos of greeting. 

The scoring is a written form (knowledge scoring)

Let's start to study now!

Video 1 ↘

Video 2 ↘


After watching the videos, your task is:
•       Identify expressions of greetings and its responses from the two videos you have watched, include the meaning, and then send the result of identification on written form include your picture/photo to my EMAIL: sarahfondacabby@gmail.com
          (Identifikasikan/tentukan/temukan ungkapan-ungkapan sapaan “Greetings” beserta tanggapannya yang ada di dalam dua video di atas, beserta artinya, kemudian kirimkan hasil identifikasi kalian dalam bentuk tulisan beserta foto kalian, ke alamat Email: sarahfondacabby@gmail.com

       •Do on your English Exercise Book (Kerjakan di Buku Latihan Bahasa Inggris), Write your complete name, class, and date of the day (tulis nama lengkap, kelas, dan tanggal pengerjaan).
       •I’ll wait for your work until 18.00 p.m. (batas pengumpulan tugas pkl. 18.00 wib.)
  •         Give your comment to this material as your presence (Berikan komentar mu terhadap materi tersebut sebagai absen)

Well, that's all about the teaching material for this meet. After learning expression of greeting, the students know some expressions used to greet someone and be able to greet someone and respond it.

Sholeh sholeha.. for next meeting, you will learn about Introducing Self.

See you next meet..
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

My WA Contact: 081369411900


JUMAT/24 Juli 2020
Kelas 7B dan 7A

KD 3.1 dan 4.1 (12JP)
Pertemuan 2
Materi Pokok: Good Morning, How are you?
Sub Materi: Introducing Self 
Tujuan Pembelajaran:
v  Peserta didik dapat mengucapkan ungkapan-ungkapan mempekenalkan diri dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang tepat.
v  Peserta didik dapat memperkenalkan diri dengan ungkapan yang benar dan dengan cara yang santun dan berterima.
v  Peserta didik dapat merespon ungkapan perkenalan diri tersebut dengan benar.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Good Morning anak-anak sholeh sholeha.. How do you do? 

I hope all of you always be healthy and strong. Aamiin allahumma aamiin..

As your presence, give your comment in the column of comment. Give comment relates to the teaching material or task given in this blog.
(sebagai absen kehadiran, silahkan kalian beri komentar di kolom komentar terkait materi ajar atau tugas yang diberikan di blog ini)

Keep struggling sholeh sholeha.. I am sure you can follow and understand about this teaching material...

For this meet you will learn about Introducing Self (Memperkenalkan diri). In this meet, firstly you will read and practice the dialogues given.

Let's start to study now!

For this meet, you just read and understand the material, try to practice a monologue. (pada pertemuan kali ini kalian diminta untuk membaca dan memahami isi materi di atas, dan cobalah mempraktekkan dialog tersebut secara monolog/sendiri. 

Give comment to the material (berikan komentar terhadap materi tersebut)

Well, sholeh sholeha.. we will go to new discussion for next week.
See yaa..

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

Caption Text - XI3 dan XI4

       *NAMA GURU                : SARAH FONDA, S.Pd., Gr. *MATA PELAJARAN      : BAHASA INGGRIS               *KELAS                       ...